A Mark of Quality

The most fundamental assurance of quality in an international school is an accreditation by one of the seven regional accrediting agencies in the United States. Of these, NCPA is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), which is also responsible for schools in California, Hawaii, and America's Pacific territories.
Accreditation is a rigorous process, involving lengthy preparations and documentation of all aspects of the school. It requires the participation of leadership, teachers, students, and parents, and several site visits by WASC representatives. The process ensures that "(1) a school’s goal is successful student learning; (2) each school has a clear purpose and schoolwide student goals; and (3) a school engages in external and internal evaluations as part of continued school improvement to support student learning."
Accreditation is a rigorous process, involving lengthy preparations and documentation of all aspects of the school. It requires the participation of leadership, teachers, students, and parents, and several site visits by WASC representatives. The process ensures that "(1) a school’s goal is successful student learning; (2) each school has a clear purpose and schoolwide student goals; and (3) a school engages in external and internal evaluations as part of continued school improvement to support student learning."
An Ongoing Commitment to Excellence
Accreditation is not a single event, but "an ongoing cycle of quality." Over a 5-7 year period, WASC schools develop and implement a schoolwide action plan to improve student learning - whether the school has a five-year history or a 50-year one. NCPA's participation in this process is an indicator of its continued commitment to providing the best experience possible for its students.
The involvement of all stakeholders means that NCPA is a school driven by the vision of its community, combining the educational expertise of its leaders and teachers with the values and goals of its students and parents. In recent years, the School Improvement Plan implemented as part of WASC accreditation has been responsible for increased teacher retention through a revised compensation package, refurbishments and upgrades to the gym, performing arts facilities, and other infrastructure, increased recognition of student successes through assemblies and celebrations, and a variety of other improvements.
The involvement of all stakeholders means that NCPA is a school driven by the vision of its community, combining the educational expertise of its leaders and teachers with the values and goals of its students and parents. In recent years, the School Improvement Plan implemented as part of WASC accreditation has been responsible for increased teacher retention through a revised compensation package, refurbishments and upgrades to the gym, performing arts facilities, and other infrastructure, increased recognition of student successes through assemblies and celebrations, and a variety of other improvements.